
You finally have the power to be in control of your own time

Release time:2015-07-10 Source: Editor in charge: Clicks:1 [Print] Type size:smallmiddlelarge

“What do you want to be when you grow up?

“I want to be a scientist with many inventions.”

“I want to be a teacher and teach children how to read.”

“I want to be a policeman who catches bad guys.”……

Our voice as a kid still lingers in our mind, as we strive to realize our childhood dreams. Everyone isworking towards growing into the one they dreamt to be. However,  as we  mature and get stronger, we ignore the cost of growing up.

When we achieve success in our career, we the realize that we missed important moments in our children’s lives as they grew up.

When we return to our hometown with glory, we find that our parents are growing old.

When we want to have more time to stay with our families, we find that we cannot extract any more time from the tight schedule that our career requires.

Maybe you already have every material thing you everwanted, but you cannot make up for the regrets of lost  time. We then realize that having the ability to control time is the most important of all.Business jet is the time machine and magic wand for successful people who long for flexibility and the ability to efficiently utilize their time. Deer Jet launched its Hourly Jet Cards with 10h, 20h and 50h increment options. Deer Jet Hourly Jet Card can turn you into a time magician at lower prices, with more flexibility and new ways to choose and enjoy your aircraft.

To celebrate our 20th anniversary, Deer Jet invites you to experience our Hourly Jet Card and experience the freedom of being able to be in control of your time. 

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E-mail: deerjet@hnair.com
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